01722 329238
Who is the SENDco?
Polly Swannell (Manager) is our SENDco for the Preschool and Wraparound Care Clubs.
What does SEND mean?
SEND can mean many different things and will look different in all children. It stands for Special Educational Needs and Disability. This can be anything from language delay to needing supporting in managing children’s emotions and behaviours. All children are different and learn at their own pace.
How will my child be supported at Preschool?
We are an inclusive setting and welcome any child regardless of their needs. We will support you as a family every step of the way before your child leaves to go to Primary School. If Preschool have any concerns with your child’s development you will be informed straight away. Suggestions will be made on what we can do to support your child at Preschool or at home.
At times we may need to seek outside professionals such as speech and language therapists, health visitors or Early Years Inclusion Advisors. Any referrals will not be made without permission from parents. We will work closely alongside these professionals to discuss the best outcomes for your child. Regular meetings will take place so we can capture views from all professionals involved.
Our SENDco is available to answer any questions or discuss any concerns regarding your child.
Please book an appointment via the office and Polly will be happy to help.